Brand Ambassadors

With a growing number of loyal customers using our award-winning skincare solutions to treat all kinds of ailments, we've won some trusted brand advocates along the way!

Lynne Franks OBE

LYNNE FRANKS OBE is recognised as one of the world’s top experts in PR & Branding; Women’s Engagement and Consumer Trends Prediction, an experienced speaker on international platforms and owner of the SEED Hub and SEED Store. Her agency worked with some of the biggest names in fashion and entertainment. Lynne worked on the promotion of Live Aid, helped create Fashion Aid and is said to be the inspiration for Edina in Ab Fab. 

I have long been a believer in the healing qualities of natural ingredients but the MotherSage range brings the potential of skincare to the next level. I am delighted to be working with MotherSage on bringing such fantastic products to public awareness!

Our Multi-Award Winning Products

MotherSage is a collection of high-performance skincare products, meticulously crafted with the finest natural ingredients to soothe, restore, and revitalise your skin. Designed to address the most common skin concerns, our formulations promote a firmer and healthier complexion — delivering results that you can see and feel.